International Institute of
Cosmetic Surgery &
Aesthetic Medicine

Learn Best Cosmetic Treatments to Get Rid of Acne Scars

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If you’re working in the field of aesthetic medicine, it is important to keep yourself updated with all the latest cosmetic procedures that are being developed. From laser treatments to tissue fillers to derma rollers, there is a wide range of treatment methods. The quickest and most efficient way to expand your knowledge is by taking up specialised cosmetology courses for doctors. The curriculum is designed to both enhance and improve your practical skills. At the International Institute of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine (IICSAM), we offer a hands-on training course in Cosmetology, Lasers & Aesthetic Medicine.

Cosmetic treatments are used to fight a large spectrum of skin-related problems. Below, we look at some common procedures that come in handy for dealing with acne scars.

Laser Resurfacing

This is a popular treatment method for acne scar removal. A laser machine is used to shoot microbeams on the acne-affected skin. This creates small puncture wounds and damages the upper layer of the skin. The body produces increased amounts of collagen to help fasten the healing process and close these wounds. As a result, a new layer of skin resurfaces with visibly reduced acne scars. The new skin has a rejuvenated and radiant glow, making the person look more youthful. This procedure works great for removing acne scars, ageing lines, and pigmentation spots.


When an acne scar forms, fibrous bands get created between the scar and the dermal tissue underneath it. In the subcision method, a microneedle is inserted into your skin to break down these fibrous bands. This is helpful in releasing depressed acne scars. The needle insertion also tiggers the release of collagen, which further helps in reducing the appearance of acne scars.


Almost all cosmetology courses cover the topic of Derma Rollers. They are very useful devices in treating pigmentation, acne scars, and fine lines. In this type of procedure, a derma roller is used to create a pathway of tiny wounds on the skin, which prompts the body to produce more collagen. This fastens the healing process and leads to skin regeneration. It is a useful cure for mild acne scars.


This is a more powerful treatment that can remove severe scarring. A high-speed brush or other rapidly rotating device is used to completely remove the top layer of the skin. This allows the surface scars to be fully eliminated and makes the deeper scars less visible. The dermabrasion method also triggers collagen production in the body, which assists with skin regeneration. This procedure may take up to 3 weeks for full recovery.

Chemical Peels

In a chemical peel treatment, the doctor applies a chemical solution to the affected scar tissue of the skin. This removes the upper layer of the skin and significantly reduces the appearance of deeper acne scars. The recovery period is between 3-7 days for this procedure. Depending on the severity of the patient’s scarring, this technique may need to be repeated.

Micro Needling

Microneedling is a common topic covered by most cosmetology courses. This kind of treatment is also known as collagen induction therapy. During this procedure, the acne-affected skin is repeatedly pricked with tiny needles over and over again. This is done to stimulate the production of new collagen in the body. It helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, and fine lines. This is a common topic found in the curriculum of most

Tissue Fillers

Certain substances like collagen, body fat, or hyaluronic acid are injected into the skin tissue underneath a depressed acne scar to make it less noticeable. This sort of procedure can give temporary results only. The fillers are gradually absorbed by the skin, hence, repeat treatments are required.


Dealing with acne scars is just one aspect of cosmetology. There are many other skin problems and treatments that fall under this field of medicine. If you are looking for cosmetology courses for doctors, then sign up for the hands-on training course in Cosmetology, Lasers & Aesthetic Medicine. For more details, contact us today.

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